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Project Object Members

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Loads the specified projectfile into memory.

Saves the project's configuration to the specified path.

Unloads the current project. Optionally closes the files

Executes the compare process.

Creates a Report specified in ReportType settings.

Performs Highlighting specified in HighlightType settings.

Performs ShowHide specified in ShowHide settings.

Undoes changes made by DoHighlight

Undoes changes made by DoShowHide

Resets specified objects or results.

Removes protection for pairs that have protected worksheets using the PasswordList

Verifies that protected worksheets in pairs can be unprotected with current PasswordList

Arranges (tiles) windows for the active Files

Activates the worksheets of the ActivePair





The full path and name of the project file.

The name of the project file.

Report workbook (when created).

Container for all Settings of the project.

Container for the Files (workbooks) of the project.

Container for the Pairs (worksheets) of the project.

Container for the (combined) Results of all Pairs.

Pair that is currently active.





Raised during compare execution to indicate running subprocess.

Raised when is Pair is activated.

Raised before a Pair is deactivated.