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Settings Object Members

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Loads user preferences.

Saves settings as user preference.

Removes user preference, reloads default values.





Returns or sets a constant specifying which content property to compare.

Returns a descriptive text for the CompareType

Returns or sets a series of options specifying which formatting properties to compare.

Returns or sets the specified formats compare option.

Returns a descriptive text for the enabled Formats options.

Returns or sets a series of options specifying which differences to filter (ignore).

Returns or sets the specified filter option.

Returns a descriptive text for the enabled Filters options.

Returns or sets a pattern for either Regex of Like filtering of string differences.

Returns or sets a number below which numeric differences will be ignored.

Returns or sets a constant specifying which Report to create.

Returns or sets a constant specifying which Highlighting to perform.

Returns a descriptive text for the HighlightType

Returns or sets a series of options specifying which group of Rows and Columns to Show or Hide.

Returns or sets the specified ShowHide option.

Returns a descriptive text for the enabled ShowHide options.



