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Password-protected worksheets can be compared and a difference report can be created, but the differences can not be highlighted, hidden or transferred.  These actions can only be executed when you enter the passwords of the protected worksheets.  To enter the passwords just click on the button shown to the left.  The following forms appears





In this form, all password-protected worksheets are listed.  In the bottom of the form the required passwords can be entered.


Test passwords


With the "Test"-button, you can check whether you entered the correct passwords.  If you have entered the correct passwords, the locks will be replaced by a key in the symbols (see the first pair of worksheets)


Passwords in projects


By default passwords are not saved in the project file.  If you do want to store passwords in your projects you have to change a registry setting. Note that passwords are not stored in readily legible form, but the obscuring routine is not difficult to reverse engineer. If you want the convenience of storing passwords with your projects, you have to open the registry and select the following key:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Synkronizer Software\Synkronizer\10.0

Select the entry ProjectsPasswords and change the value to 1.  The passwords will now be stored (and loaded) when you save or open a project file.



Problems with password-protected worksheets


Protected worksheets can be compared without a password and without problems EXCEPT when they contain cells that have the "Hidden" checkbox on the Protection tab turned on. In this case Synkronizer MAY return inaccurate results because not all cell information can be read correctly. With the unlocking of these worksheets (potential) problems can be avoided.


Also note that the Navigator may not be able to highlight, select or update cells or ranges if the sheets are protected and password is not provided.