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If you have set all comparison options, you can determine what actions you want Synkronizer to perform.  The following two buttons are available:




Highlight Differences (left button)


With the left button it is determined whether differences are to be highlighted or not.  The following options exist:


No Highlighting: No differences are highlighted
Highlight Differences: The differences are highlighted in the worksheets
Clear and Highlight: The differences are highlighted in the worksheets.  Before highlighting all the background highlighting are removed.



Create Difference Report (right button)


With the right button, you can specify whether a difference report should be created.  The following options are available:


No Report: No difference report is generated
Difference Report: An Excel difference report is generated
Hyperlinked Report: An Excel difference report with hyperlinks is generated
XML Report: An XML difference report is generated.




If all settings and actions have been taken, the comparison of the worksheets can be started with the button shown on the left