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Highlight Differences

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If you choose this action the differences in all underlying worksheets are highlighted:




The differences are highlighted in the following colors:


light blue for deleted columns/rows
light green for added columns/rows
yellow for different cell values/formulas
orange for different cell formattings
lilac for duplicate keys (only database mode)
gray for duplicate records (redundant records) (only database mode)


At one glance Synkronizer clearly displays all differences and you can decide with which version of the worksheet you wish to proceed


The colors listed above are the default values, you can specify your own color settings, see the chapter Settings » Colors



Cells with Conditional Formattings


If Synkronizer finds different cell values (or formulas) in cells with conditional formatting, then the cells can not be marked. In this case, Synkronizer draws a diagonal line in the corresponding cell