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Scripted installations

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Following are the custom command line switches accepted by the setup executable


Choose the installation type                        /TYPE=                

must be one of the following (upper or lowercase)




Set the network or distribution folder                /FOLDER=

a valid file path or URL for the network folder, e.g.:




ignored for type=standard

required for type=network or type=distrib

can be included in single or double quotes



Set the installation folder                        /DIR=

a valid file path or URL for the installation folder, e.g.:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\Synkronizer


default: {pf32}\Synkronizer\Synkronizer 10.0


Minimize user interaction                        /SILENT

No output or messages                        /VERYSILENT

Create a log in the temp directory                /LOG


There are other parameters available, which are described in the following link:





Standard Installation /TYPE=standard /silent        


Network Installation /TYPE=network /FOLDER=x:\my folder


Administrative Installation /TYPE=distrib /FOLDER=x:\my folder