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This form lists all worksheet "pairs" that are to be compared.  The worksheets can be paired automatically or manually



Match / remove worksheets automatically


The following buttons are available to add / remove the worksheet couples:



All worksheets of the workbooks are matched by name


All worksheets of the files are matched by index


The first worksheets of the files are matched


All worksheet pairs are removed from the list



Match worksheets manually


The worksheets can be matched manually.  This is done in the header of the worksheet list box:




In the row marked with a star, there are two drop down-boxes (see illustration).  With these fields the required worksheets can be selected.  The selection has to be confirmed by selecting the checkbox to the right and the pair of worksheets will be included in the list



Remove worksheet pairs manually


If you do not want to compare all pairs of worksheets, you can remove the unwanted pairs with the "Delete" button.  As a further option, the worksheet "couples" can be removed by clicking with on the checkbox at the right side (see picture below)




Once the box is unchecked, the worksheet "couple" disappears from the list



No worksheets found


If no worksheets are available in the drop-down lists, the worksheets are either protected, empty and/or hidden.  In this case, you need to change the display mode for worksheets.  For more detailed information please refer to the chapter Settings » Main Form